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(2025) Journal of Cleaner Production_Synergistic integration of entomological and thermochemical approaches for the sustainable energy production from organic waste

(2025) Journal of Cleaner Production_Synergistic integration of entomological and thermochemical approaches for the sustainable energy production from organic waste


Kim J.Y.; Choi Y.-B.; Park J.; Lee D.-J.; Kwon E.E.


(9596526) Journal of Cleaner Production ISSN:  Vol.486 Issue. Article No.144638 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.144638


The technical limitations of single waste valorisation platforms are evident. To address these, this study combined entomological and thermochemical approaches for organic waste management to sustainably improve the overall process efficiency. Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) consumed large amounts of organic waste (78.7 wt%) and produced lipids. These lipids were extracted from the BSFL biomass and converted into biodiesel. Non-catalytic transesterification showed a higher biodiesel yield (92.1 wt%) than acid-catalysed transesterification (86.6 wt%)—the conventional biodiesel production methodology. Pyrolysis was conducted to further valorise residual organic waste after BSFL rearing. Catalytic pyrolysis under N2 conditions produced 108.9 mmol of syngas (H2 and CO). To introduce sustainability into the process, CO2 was used as a gas medium instead of N2, which enhanced syngas production (121.9 mmol) while consuming 52.2 g of CO2. The CO2 consumed during CO2-assisted pyrolysis offset 28 wt% of the CO2 emitted from BSFL rearing, resulting in a 0.7-fold reduction in overall CO2 emissions for the entire process compared to N2 pyrolysis-integrated platform. This integrated platform—BSFL rearing and CO2-assisted pyrolysis—effectively increased energy output through biodiesel and syngas production while reducing CO2 emissions, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient approach to managing organic waste. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd


This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00272302). This work was carried out with the support of the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Valorisation of livestock manure waste in the pyrolysis process, Project No. RS-2022- RD010000)” Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Elsevier Ltd



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