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Lab Members


    Dr. Jee Young Kim

    Post-doc (2023.09 - )

    1. Research Assistant Professor in Hanyang Univ. (2025.03 - )
    2. Research Professor in Korea Univ. (2022.09 - 2023.08)
    3. Ph.D. in Department of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, Korea Univ. (2022.08)
    4. B.Eng. in Department of Division of Environmental Science % Ecological Engineering, Korea Univ. (2017.02)
    5. Global Ph.D. Fellowship (NRF, 2018.03 - 2022.08) (Subject: Effect of electrical stimulation on the growth and metabolites production by Euglena gracilis)
    6. 박사후국내연수사업 (NRF, 2023.09 - 2026.08) (Subject: Sustainable E-Waste Effluent Treatment with Extremophilic Microalgae: Enhancing Biosorption Efficiency and Biomass Utilization)
    7. Research Interests: Microalgae/Biomass Utilization, Biofuel
    8. Awards : 연구실적 우수 신진연구인력 포상 (한양대학교)


    Dr. Taewoo Lee

    Post-doc (2016.09 - )

    1. Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
    2. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2019)
    3. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2016)
    4. B.Eng. in Department of Mechanical Engineering , Sejong Univ. (2016)
    5. Master Thesis : Utilization of CO2 and CaCO3 to Control the Fate of Harmful Chemical Species Evolved from the Thermolysis of Polyvinyl Chloride
    6. Ph.D. Thesis : Recovery of Chemicals and Fuels through the Thermo-Chemical Process of Municipal Solid Wastes
    7. Global Ph.D. Fellowship (NRF, 2019.03 - 2022.02) (Subject: The Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Fuels)
    8. Sejong Science Fellowship (NRF, 2024.05 - 2029.04) (Subject: Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) through the Waste Pyrolysis Platform)
    9. Certificate : Engineer Air Pollution Environmental, Engineer Water Pollution Environmental
    10. Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교), 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소), 연구실적 우수 신진연구인력 포상 (한양대학교)


    Dr. Youkwan Kim

    Post-doc (2017.06 - )

    1. Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
    2. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2019)
    3. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2017)
    4. Master Thesis : Enhancing the Value of Pyrolytic Products from Biowastes using Carbon Dioxide : Valorization of Pyrolytic Products by Employing Carbon Dioxide
    5. Ph.D. Thesis : Pyrolysis of Biomass Waste and Cigarette Waste
    6. Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소)




    Jung-Hun Kim

    Doctoral Students (2018.03 - )

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2020)
    2. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2017)
    3. Master Thesis : Pyrolysis of Sludge Using CO2 as Reactive Medium
    4. Certificate : Engineer Water Pollution Environmental
    5. Hyundai Motors Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Future Technology Scholarship (2022.06 - )
    6. Awards : 연구실적 우수 대학원생 포상 (세종대학교), 연구실적 우수 대학원생 포상 (한양대학교)


    Dohee Kwon

    Doctoral Students (2019.03 - )

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2021)
    2. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2019)
    3. Master Thesis : Valorization of Agricultural Wastes using CO2 as a Raw Material in the Catalytic Pyrolysis
    4. Certificate : Engineer Air Pollution Environmental
    5. Hyundai Motors Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Future Technology Scholarship (2023.06 - )


    Sangyoon Lee

    Doctoral Students (2019.03 - )

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2021)
    2. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2018)
    3. Master Thesis : Valorization of Biomass and Plastic Waste through the Thermochemical Process with Carbon Dioxide
    4. Certificate : Engineer Air Pollution Environmental, Engineer Water Pollution Environmental, Engineer Wastes Treatment
    5. 박사과정생연구장려금 (NRF, 2023.09 - 2025.08) (Subject: Production of Transportation Fuels from Plastic Waste through CO2 Assisted Thermochemical Process)
    6. Awards : 연구실적 우수 대학원생 포상 (한양대학교)


    Minyoung Kim

    Doctoral Students (2019.08 - )

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2021)
    2. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2019)
    3. Master Thesis: Valorization of Swine Manure through Biofuel Production
    4. Certificate: Engineer Air Pollution Environmental, Engineer Water Pollution Environmental, Engineer Wastes Treatment
    5. 박사과정생연구장려금 (NRF, 2024.09 - 2026.08) (Subject: Use of Metal/Carbon Composite Fabricated Using Industrial Wastes as a Catalyst for Biofuel Production)
    6. Awards: 최우수논문상 수상(한국화학공학회), 백강환경장학재단 장학생 (백강환경장학재단)


    Gyeongnam Park

    Doctoral Students (2022.02 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2021)
    2. Awards: 해외자원개발진흥재단 포스코인터내셔널 산학장학생 (포스코인터내셔널)


    Joo-hyeong Yoon

    Doctoral Students (2024.03 - )

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei Univ. (2023)
    2. B.Sci. in Department of Chemistry, Dongguk Univ. (2018)
    3. Master Thesis: Study on Characteristics of Liquid product via Pyrolysis (Catalyst) of WPE (waste polyethylene) and WPP (waste polypropylene) Using Fixed bed reactor
    4. 4. Current position: Assistant Researcher of Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)


    Jong Hyun Park

    Doctoral Students (2023.03 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Yonsei Univ. (2019)
    2. Undergraduate Research Program (URP), An optimization Co loading on Co-CeO2 Catalyst for Production of Pure Hydrogen by WGS Reaction Using Waste-derived Synthesis Gas (2016)
    3. 소규모 하수처리용 막 결합형 SBR 시스템 개발 연구원, 1425102339, 중소기업청 (2016)
    4. 자원순환 활성화를 위한 연구지원사업 (COSMO, 2024.06 - 2024. 12) (Subject: On-Site Synergistic Treatment of Mixed Agricultural Waste through Co-pyrolysis)
    5. Bachelor Thesis: A Study on Development of Co Catalyst for Production of Pure Hydrogen by Water-Gas Shift Reaction Using Waste-Derived Synthesis Gas
    6. Co-Founder & CIO, Medical Big Data & Mobile Application, VIVA (2016 - )
    7. Co-Founder & COO, Quantitative Investment Analysis & Start-up Investment, SJH (2018 - 2023)
    8. Awards: 소셜벤처지원사업 선정, 한국사회적기업진흥원 (2015), 창직역량프로젝트 선정, 한국생산성본부 (2015), 대한환경공학회 대학생 캡스톤 경진대회 대상 (2015) 외 4회 수상, 보건의료빅데이터 창업 공모전 우수작, 건강보험심사평가원 (2017), 서울창업허브 예비창업기업(Pre-BI) 육성 프로그램 최종 선정, 서울산업진흥원 (2017)
    9. Patent: 미세조류의 광합성을 이용한 하수처리 장치 및 하수처리 방법, 10-2016-0027223, 사용자 맞춤형 병원 예약 추천 방법 및 장치, 10-2018-0029216
    10. Certification: 전문엔젤투자자 자격, 한국엔젤투자협회


    Youngju Kim

    Master Students (2023.09 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)


    Joohyung Lee

    Master Students (2024.06 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
    2. B.Eng. in Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)


    Gitae Moon

    Master Students (2024.08 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Ajou Univ. (2024)


    Hoyeon Cha

    Master Students (2023.07 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2019 - 2025)
    2. Director of External Cooperation in Hanyang General students' association (2023)


    Chohee Yang

    Undergraduate (2024.09 - )

    1. B.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2021 -)


    Jieun Kim

    Alumni (2015.01 -2017.08)

    1. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2017)
    2. B.S. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2014)
    3. Master Thesis : Development of Thermally Induced Reaction for Speciation and Quantification of Fatty Acids and Its Environmental Application
    4. Current position : Doctoral student of Northwestern University (2017.09 - )


    Dr. Jechan Lee

    Post-doc (2016.03 – 2018.02)

    1. Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio, 2021.12 - )
    2. Associate Editor, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering (Springer, 2021.04 - )
    3. Associate Editor, Energy and Environment (SAGE Publishing, 2020.04 - )
    4. Associate Editor, Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (2020. 02 - )
    5. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management (한국폐기물자원순환학회지, 2020.01 - )
    6. Associate Professor of Ajou University (2018.03 - 2022.02)
    7. Post Doctoral Researcher in Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation, University of Delaware, Newark (2015.06 - 2016.02)
    8. Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering, U of Wisconsin-Madison (2015)
    9. Korea Research Fellowship (NRF-2015H1D3A1066513, 2016.03 - 2018.02)
    10. Research Interests : Waste-to-energy, Bioenergy
    11. Current position : Associate Professor of Sungkyunkwan University (2022.03 - )


    Dr. Sungyup Jung

    Post-doc (2019.09 - 2022.08)

    1. Post Doc. in Simon Fraser Univ. (2018.09 - 2019.08)
    2. Ph.D.Eng. in Dep. of Chemical Engineering, City College of New York (2018)
    3. Ph.D. Thesis: Sustainable Processes for Electrochemical Conversion of Biomass and Energy Storage
    4. Korea Research Fellowship (2019.09 - 2022.12)
    5. 창의도전연구기반지원사업 (2021.03 - 2024.02)
    6. Research Interests: Waste-to-Energy, Waste-to-Resources, Carbon Dioxide to Resource, Fuels and Fine Chemicals from Organic Waste Materials, Pyrolysis and Gasification, Heterogeneous Catalysis: Electro- and Thermo-chemical, Biofuels
    7. Current position: Assistant Professor of Kyungpook National University (2022.09 -)


    Dr. Seong-Heon Cho


    (2014.09 -2017.02 / 2019.03 - 2023.08)

    1. Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2023)
    2. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2017)
    3. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2016)
    4. Master Thesis: Study on the Influences of Carbon Dioxide on the Pyrolysis of Biomass
    5. Ph.D. Thesis: Zero-waste Strategy based on Valorization of Agricultural/Livestock Wastes through the Thermo-chemical Process
    6. Hyundai Motors Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Future Technology Scholarship (2019.06 -)
    7. Postdoctoral Associate of Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR) of Western University, Canada (2023.09 - 2024.07)
    8. Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교), 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소)
    9. Current position : Assistant Professor of Pusan National University (2024.09 - )


    Dr. Dongho Choi

    Alumni (2016.07 - 2024.08)

    1. Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
    2. M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2018)
    3. B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2016)
    4. Master Thesis : Effect of CO2 on the Production of Biocrude and Syngas via Thermochemical Process of Microalgal Biomass
    5. Ph.D. Thesis: Zero-waste Strategy based on Valorization of Agricultural/Livestock Wastes through the Thermo-chemical Process
    6. 박사과정생연구장려금 (NRF, 2022.06 - 2024.05) (Subject: Production of high quality bio-oil via catalytic pyrolysis of biomass)
    7. Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교), 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소)
    8. Current position : Post Doctoral Researcher in Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, (2024.09-)


    Dr. Dong-jun Lee

    Alumni (2018.03 - 2025.02)

    1. Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
    2. M.Agr. in Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology (2018)
    3. B.Agr. in Department of Animal Science (2015)
    4. Master Thesis : Effect of Environmental Factors on the Improvement of Carcass traits in Hanwoo
    5. Ph.D. Thesis : Sustainable Agricultural Waste Valorization through Thermochemical Process
    6. Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소)
    7. Current position : Researcher of National Intitute of Animal Science (2016 - )