Lab Members
Dr. Jee Young Kim
Post-doc (2023.09 - )
- Research Assistant Professor in Hanyang Univ. (2025.03 - )
- Research Professor in Korea Univ. (2022.09 - 2023.08)
- Ph.D. in Department of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, Korea Univ. (2022.08)
- B.Eng. in Department of Division of Environmental Science % Ecological Engineering, Korea Univ. (2017.02)
- Global Ph.D. Fellowship (NRF, 2018.03 - 2022.08) (Subject: Effect of electrical stimulation on the growth and metabolites production by Euglena gracilis)
- 박사후국내연수사업 (NRF, 2023.09 - 2026.08) (Subject: Sustainable E-Waste Effluent Treatment with Extremophilic Microalgae: Enhancing Biosorption Efficiency and Biomass Utilization)
- Research Interests: Microalgae/Biomass Utilization, Biofuel
- Awards : 연구실적 우수 신진연구인력 포상 (한양대학교)
Dr. Taewoo Lee
Post-doc (2016.09 - )
- Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
- M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2019)
- B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2016)
- B.Eng. in Department of Mechanical Engineering , Sejong Univ. (2016)
- Master Thesis : Utilization of CO2 and CaCO3 to Control the Fate of Harmful Chemical Species Evolved from the Thermolysis of Polyvinyl Chloride
- Ph.D. Thesis : Recovery of Chemicals and Fuels through the Thermo-Chemical Process of Municipal Solid Wastes
- Global Ph.D. Fellowship (NRF, 2019.03 - 2022.02) (Subject: The Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Fuels)
- Sejong Science Fellowship (NRF, 2024.05 - 2029.04) (Subject: Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) through the Waste Pyrolysis Platform)
- Certificate : Engineer Air Pollution Environmental, Engineer Water Pollution Environmental
- Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교), 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소), 연구실적 우수 신진연구인력 포상 (한양대학교)
Dr. Youkwan Kim
Post-doc (2017.06 - )
- Ph.D.Eng. in Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ. (2024)
- M.Eng. in Department of Environment and Energy, Sejong Univ. (2019)
- B.Eng. in Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics, Sejong Univ. (2017)
- Master Thesis : Enhancing the Value of Pyrolytic Products from Biowastes using Carbon Dioxide : Valorization of Pyrolytic Products by Employing Carbon Dioxide
- Ph.D. Thesis : Pyrolysis of Biomass Waste and Cigarette Waste
- Awards : 박사학위 우수논문상(한양대학교 산업과학연구소)