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(2024) Biotechnology Advances_Chemicals and fuels from lipid-containing biomass: A comprehensive exploration

(2024) Biotechnology Advances_Chemicals and fuels from lipid-containing biomass: A comprehensive exploration


Kim J.-H.; Kim M.; Park G.; Kim E.; Song H.; Jung S.; Park Y.-K.; Tsang Y.F.; Lee J.; Kwon E.E.


(Elsevier Inc.) Biotechnology Advances ISSN: 7349750 Vol.75 Issue. Article No.108418 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2024.108418


In response to address the climate crisis, there has been a growing focus on substituting conventional refinery-derived products with those derived from biorefineries. The utilization of lipids as primary materials or intermediates for the synthesis of chemicals and fuels, which are integral to the existing chemical and petrochemical industries, is a key step in this transition. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the production of sustainable chemicals (acids and alcohols), biopolymers, and fuels (including gasoline, kerosene, biodiesel, and heavy fuel oil) from lipids derived from terrestrial and algal biomass. The production of chemicals from lipids involves diverse methods, including polymerization, epoxidation, and separation/purification. Additionally, the transformation of lipids into biofuels can be achieved through processes such as catalytic cracking, hydroprocessing, and transesterification. This review also suggests future research directions that further advance the lipid valorization processes, including enhancement of catalyst durability at harsh conditions, development of deoxygenation process with low H2 consumption, investigation of precise separation of target compounds, increase in lipid accumulation in algal biomass, and development of methods that utilize residues and byproducts generated during lipid extraction and conversion. © 2024


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants provided by the Korean government (MSIT) ( NRF-2023R1A2C3003011 ). 

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