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(2022) Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry_Is mass-scale electrocatalysis of aqueous methanol an energetically and economically viable option for hydrogen production?

(2022) Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry_Is mass-scale electrocatalysis of aqueous methanol an energetically and economically viable option for hydrogen production?


Szulejko J.E., Kwon E.E., Kim K.-H.


(Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry) Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ISSN: 1226086X Vol.105 Issue. Article No. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2021.09.028


The use of primary alcohols (such as methanol) in the production of hydrogen (H2) has been spotlighted as one of the indispensable measures to pursue a greener economy. Here, we address some potential shortcomings concerning the production of H2 based on aqueous methanol electrolysis in reference to steam methane reforming (SMR) as a mature commercial technology. After all, is SMR an economic and low-energy route for H2 production? Is it feasible to use methanol to electrolytically generate H2? The liquid-phase methanol-based hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at 335 K is an example of a potentially entropy driven reaction (exoergic, even though very endothermic) with a suitable catalyst using either ambient or waste heat. Further, would it be more efficient to use methane as a source of hydrogen via SMR or consume it directly as energy? The suitability of HER is assessed in the context of industrial energy analysis, thermodynamics, and sustainability. © 2021 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry


This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ITC (MSIT) of Korean government (Grant No: 2021R1A3B1068304). 

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