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(2022) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering_Catalytic bromate reduction in water by Ru/C via borohydride-based hydrogenation: A comparative study

(2022) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering_Catalytic bromate reduction in water by Ru/C via borohydride-based hydrogenation: A comparative study


Chen W.-C., Kwon E., Bui H.M., Khiem T.C., Sirivithayapakorn S., Ghanbari F., Tuan D.D., Lin K.-Y.A.


(Elsevier Ltd) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering ISSN: 22133437 Vol.10 Issue.4 Article No.108080 DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.108080


While H2gas is conventionally purged during hydrogenation of bromate in the presence of catalysts, the low solubility of H2gas leads to wasteful consumption of H2gas. Reductants in solid forms, which act as storage media of H2, would be preferable, and borohydrides, including NaBH4, and NH3BH3are promising candidates. Although ruthenium (Ru) is an efficient catalyst for releasing H2from these borohydrides, almost no studies have looked into usage of Ru with borohydrides for reducing bromate, and differences between NaBH4, and NH3BH3for reducing bromate in the presence of Ru. Therefore, the goal of this study aims to compare hydrogenation of bromate using different borohydrides as well as H2gas purge under different conditions in the presence of Ru/C as the most representative Ru catalyst. While Ru/C could slowly reduce bromate to bromide, the addition of NaBH4or NH3BH3would tremendously accelerate bromate removal and bromide production. Nevertheless, the H2purge might cause interferences with the entire reaction, thereby leading to ineffective bromate reduction. Moreover, Ru/C+NaBH4would lead to an even faster bromate reduction because adsorption of BH4-to Ru/C was much more favorable according to the DFT calculation. The Eaof bromate reduction by Ru/C+NaBH4is also lower than that by Ru/C+NH3BH3, validating the promising advantage of NaBH4over NH3BH3. Ru/C+NaBH4could be also reusable for reducing bromate to bromide, demonstrating that borohydrides might be promising alternatives to H2purge for reducing bromate to bromide in order to achieve even faster and more efficient bromate reduction. © 2022 Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio. All rights reserved.


This project has been supported by Research Center for Environmental Contaminants (RCEC), Abadan University of Medical Sciences (Iran) under Contract No. 1400RCEC1426 . 

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