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(2021) Journal of Hazardous Materials_Fe/Mn- and P-modified drinking water treatment residuals reduced Cu and Pb phytoavailability and uptake in a mining soil

(2021) Journal of Hazardous Materials_Fe/Mn- and P-modified drinking water treatment residuals reduced Cu and Pb phytoavailability and uptake in a mining soil


Wang Q., Shaheen S.M., Jiang Y., Li R., Slaný M., Abdelrahman H., Kwon E., Bolan N., Rinklebe J., Zhang Z.


(Elsevier B.V.) Journal of Hazardous Materials ISSN: 3043894 Vol.403 Issue. Article No.123628 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123628


Management of industrial hazardous waste is of great concern. Recently, aluminum rich drinking water treatment residuals (Al-WTR) received considerable attention as a low-cost immobilizing agent for toxic elements in soils. However, the suitability and effectiveness of modified Al-WTR as stabilizing agent for toxic metals such as Cu and Pb in mining soil is not assessed yet. We examined the impact of different doses (0, 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5%) of raw and Fe/Mn- and P- modified Al-WTR on the bioavailability and uptake of Cu and Pb by ryegrass in Cu and Pb contaminated mining soil. The addition of Fe/Mn-and P- modified Al-WTR to the soil reduced significantly the concentrations of Pb (up to 60% by Fe/Mn-Al-WTR and 32% by P-Al-WTR) and Cu (up to 45% by Fe/Mn-Al-WTR and 18% by P-Al-WTR) in the shoots and roots of ryegrass as compared to raw Al-WTRs and untreated soil. Our results demonstrate that modification of the raw Al-WTR increased its pH, CEC, specific surface area, active functional groups (Fe-O and Mn-O), and thus increased its immobilization efficiency. Our results highlight the potential of the modified Al-WTR, particularly the Fe/Mn-Al-WTR, for the remediation of Cu and Pb contaminated soils and recommend field scale verification. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.


We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Science and Technology Overall Innovation Project of Shaanxi Province in China (No. 2016KTCQ03-20), and PhD start-up fund of Northwest A&F University (No. 2452018111). 

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