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(2021) Environmental Pollution_Catalytic upgrading of Quercus Mongolica under methane environment to obtain high yield of bioaromatics

(2021) Environmental Pollution_Catalytic upgrading of Quercus Mongolica under methane environment to obtain high yield of bioaromatics


Farooq A., Moogi S., Kwon E.E., Lee J., Kim Y.-M., Jae J., Jung S.-C., Park Y.-K.


(Elsevier Ltd) Environmental Pollution ISSN: 2697491 Vol.272 Issue. Article No.116016 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116016


This work investigated the impact of pyrolysis medium and catalyst on the production of bio-BTX (benzene, toluene, and xylene) from Quercus Mongolica (Q. Mongolica) via catalytic pyrolysis. Two different pyrolysis media (N2 and CH4) and five different zeolite catalysts (HY, HBeta, HZSM-5, 1 wt% Ni/HZSM-5, and 1 wt% Ga/HZSM-5) were considered for the Q. Mongolica pyrolysis. The HZSM-5 yielded more BTX than the HY and HBeta due to its strong acidity. The employment of CH4 as the pyrolysis medium improved the BTX yield (e.g., 2.7 times higher total BTX yield in CH4 than in N2) and resulted in low coke yield (e.g., 5.27% for N2-pyrolysis and 2.57% for CH4-pyrolysis) because the CH4-drived hydrogen simulated a hydropyrolysis condition and facilitated dehydroaromatization reaction. CH4 also led to direct coupling, Diels-Alder, and co-aromatization reactions during the pyrolysis, contributing to enhancing the BTX yield. The addition of Ga to the HZSM-5 could further increase the BTX yield by means of facilitating hydrocracking/demethylation and methyl radical formation from CH4 assisting the generation of >C2 alkenes that could be further converted into BTX on acid sites of the HZSM-5. © 2020 Elsevier LtdA Ga/HZSM-5 catalyst and CH4 allow upgrading of bio-oil produced via pyrolysis of Quercus Mongolica by improving the yield of BTX (benzene, toluene, and xylene). © 2020 Elsevier Ltd


This research was supported by the Technology Development Program to Solve Climate Changes of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korea Government ( MSIT ) ( 2020M1A2A2079801 ). 

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