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(2021) Environmental Geochemistry and Health_Special issue on contamination, remediation and health for pollutants in natural aquatic, soil, sediments and atmospheric environments

(2021) Environmental Geochemistry and Health_Special issue on contamination, remediation and health for pollutants in natural aquatic, soil, sediments and atmospheric environments


Baek K., Alessi D.S., Man Y.B., Kwon E.E.


(Springer Science and Business Media B.V.) Environmental Geochemistry and Health ISSN: 2694042 Vol.43 Issue.9 Article No. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-01043-5


This special issue collected five research articles and onr review paper. Park et al. (2021) reviewed extraction technologies to remediate cesium-contaminated soils and suggested enhanced desorption strategies to increase the removal efficiency of cesium. Basak et al. (2021) determined the fates of potassium and micronutrients from a quarry rock mineral powder. Moon et al.(2021) proposed an iron-based soilwashing technique to remediate lead-, copper- and zinc-contaminated paddy soil. Lyonga et al. (2021) reported a new biochar-based adsorbent derived from food waste for removal of As(III). Kim and Ko (2021) reported on the leaching potential of dissolved organic matters in sediment samples collected adjacent to roads. Finally, Mungruaiklang and Iwai (2021) offered a heuristic vermiwash method to enhance the vermification of swine farm wastewater.

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