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(2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials_A review of recent advancements in utilization of biomass and industrial wastes into engineered biochar

(2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials_A review of recent advancements in utilization of biomass and industrial wastes into engineered biochar


Kwon G., Bhatnagar A., Wang H., Kwon E.E., Song H.


(Elsevier B.V.) Journal of Hazardous Materials ISSN: 3043894 Vol.400 Issue. Article No.123242 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123242


For past few years, biochar has gained a great deal of attention for its versatile utility in agricultural and environmental applications. The diverse functionality and environmental-friendly nature of biochar have motivated many researchers to delve into biochar researches and spurred rapid expansion of literature in recent years. Biochar can be produced from virtually all the biomass, but the properties of biochar are highly dependent upon the types of feedstock biomass and preparation methods. The overall performances of as-prepared biochar in treating soil and water contaminants is generally inferior to activated carbon due to its lower surface area and limited functionalities. This limitation has led to many follow-up studies that focused on improving material characteristics by imparting desired functionality. Such efforts have greatly advanced knowledge to produce better-performing engineered biochar with enhanced capability and versatility. To this end, this review was prepared to compile recent advancements in fabrication and application of engineered biochar, especially with respect to the influences of biomass feedstock on the properties of biochar and the utilization of industrial wastes in fabrication of engineered biochar © 2020 Elsevier B.V.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) ( NRF 2019R1A4A1027795 ). 

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