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(2019) Environment International_Soil lead immobilization by biochars in short-term laboratory incubation studies

(2019) Environment International_Soil lead immobilization by biochars in short-term laboratory incubation studies


Igalavithana A.D., Kwon E.E., Vithanage M., Rinklebe J., Moon D.H., Meers E., Tsang D.C.W., Ok Y.S.


(Elsevier Ltd) Environment International ISSN: 1604120 Vol.127 Issue. Article No. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.03.031


Exchangeable lead (Pb) extracted by ammonium acetate from three independent incubation studies was assessed to understand the influence of feedstock, pyrolysis temperatures, and production conditions on Pb immobilization capacities of different biochars. Vegetable waste biochar, pine cone, wood bark, cocopeat, red pepper stalk, and palm kernel shell were used as feedstocks (food supply and agricultural wastes) to produce biochars at 200–650 °C with and without N2/CO2. Biochars were applied at 5 and 2.5% (w w−1) to a Pb contaminated (i.e., 1445 mg kg−1) agricultural soil collected near an old mine. Lead immobilization in biochar treated soils at the end of incubation period was normalized per gram of biochar applied. Biochar produced from vegetable waste at 500 °C showed the highest Pb immobilization (87%) and highest total exchangeable cations (13.5 cmol(+) kg−1) at the end of the 45 d incubation period. However, on the basis of Pb immobilization per gram of biochar, red pepper stalk biochar produced in CO2 at 650 °C was the best in Pb immobilization (0.09 mg kg−1 g−1 biochar) compared to the other biochars. The enhanced ability to immobilize Pb by biochar produced in CO2 could be due to the presence of siloxanes (–]Si–]O–]Si–]) on biochar surface. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that alkaline pH, ash%, and N% of biochars influence in Pb immobilization and exchangeable cation availability in soil. Biochar production atmosphere considerably change its properties that influence Pb immobilization. Further studies are needed on the modification of properties and Pb immobilization by biochars produced from various feedstocks in CO2. © 2019 The Authors


This study was financially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF; NRF- 2015R1A2A2A11001432, Contribution: 100%). The study was also partly supported by a Korea University Grant. 

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