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(2019) Chemosphere_Microwave pyrolysis valorization of used baby diaper

(2019) Chemosphere_Microwave pyrolysis valorization of used baby diaper


Lam S.S., Wan Mahari W.A., Ma N.L., Azwar E., Kwon E.E., Peng W., Chong C.T., Liu Z., Park Y.-K.


(Elsevier Ltd) Chemosphere ISSN: 456535 Vol.230 Issue. Article No. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.054


Used baby diaper consists of a combination of decomposable cellulose, non-biodegradable plastic materials (e.g. polyolefins) and super-absorbent polymer materials, thus making it difficult to be sorted and separated for recycling. Microwave pyrolysis was examined for its potential as an approach to transform used baby diapers into value-added products. Influence of the key operating parameters comprising process temperature and microwave power were investigated. The pyrolysis showed a rapid heating process (up to 43 °C/min of heating rate) and quick reaction time (20–40 min) in valorizing the used diapers to generate pyrolysis products comprising up to 43 wt% production of liquid oil, 29 wt% gases and 28 wt% char product. Microwave power and operating temperature were observed to have impacts on the heating rate, process time, production and characteristics of the liquid oil and solid char. The liquid oil contained alkanes, alkenes and esters that can potentially be used as chemical additives, cosmetic products and fuel. The solid char contained high carbon, low nitrogen and free of sulphur, thus showing potential for use as adsorbents and soil additives. These observations demonstrate that microwave pyrolysis has great prospect in transforming used baby diaper into liquid oil and char products that can be utilised in several applications. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd


We acknowledge the financial support of FRGS research grant (Vot 59434 and 59512 ) by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and grateful for the technical and lab support provided by Henan Agricultural University , Universiti Malaysia Terengganu , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Sejong University , Henan University of Technology, and University of Seoul . We acknowledge the financial support of FRGS research grant (Vot 59434 and 59512) by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and grateful for the technical and lab support provided by Henan Agricultural University, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sejong University, Henan University of Technology, and University of Seoul.

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