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(2018) Nano Energy_Recent advancements in supercapacitor technology

(2018) Nano Energy_Recent advancements in supercapacitor technology


Raza W., Ali F., Raza N., Luo Y., Kim K.-H., Yang J., Kumar S., Mehmood A., Kwon E.E.


(Elsevier Ltd) Nano Energy ISSN: 22112855 Vol.52 Issue. Article No. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.08.013


Supercapacitors (SCs) are attracting considerable research interest as high-performance energy storage devices that can contribute to the rapid growth of low-power electronics (e.g., wearable, portable electronic devices) and high-power military applications (e.g., guided missile techniques and highly sensitive naval warheads). The performance of SCs can be assessed in terms of the electrochemical properties determined through a combination between the electrode and the electrolyte materials. Likewise, the charge storage capacities of SCs can be affected significantly by selection of such materials (e.g., via surface redox mechanisms). Enormous efforts have thus been put to make them more competitive with existing options for energy storage such as rechargeable batteries. This article reviews recent advances in SC technology with respect to charge storage mechanisms, electrode materials, electrolytes (e.g., particularly paper/fiber-like 3D porous structures), and their practical applications. The challenges and opportunities associated with the commercialization of SCs are also discussed. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd


KHK acknowledges support from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (No. 2016R1E1A1A01940995). This research was also supported partially by the R&D Center for Green Patrol Technologies through the R&D for Global Top Environmental Technologies funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Republic of Korea and “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Grant no. PJ012521032018)” Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Sandeep Kumar thanks DST-PURSE, sanctioned to GJUS&T, Hisar under the PURSE program (No. SR/PURSE Phase 2/40(G)). Waseem thanks Science Foundation of China and the Scholarship Council. KHK acknowledges support from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (No. 2016R1E1A1A01940995 ). This research was also supported partially by the R&D Center for Green Patrol Technologies through the R&D for Global Top Environmental Technologies funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Republic of Korea and " Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Grant no. PJ012521032018 )" Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Sandeep Kumar thanks DST-PURSE, sanctioned to GJUS&T, Hisar under the PURSE program (No. SR/PURSE Phase 2/40(G)). Waseem thanks Science Foundation of China and the Scholarship Council .

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