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(2017) Environmental Pollution_Quantification and speciation of volatile fatty acids in the aqueous phase

(2017) Environmental Pollution_Quantification and speciation of volatile fatty acids in the aqueous phase


Lee J., Kim J., Oh J.-I., Lee S.-R., Kwon E.E.

(Elsevier Ltd) Environmental Pollution ISSN: 2697491 Vol.230 Issue. Article No. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.06.042


This study lays great emphasis on establishing a reliable analytical platform to quantify and specify volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the aqueous phase by derivatizing VFAs into their corresponding alkyl esters via thermally-induced rapid esterification (only 10 s reaction time). To this end, reaction conditions for the thermally-induced rapid esterification are optimized. A volumetric ratio of 0.5 at 400 °C for VFA/methanol is identified as the optimal reaction conditions to give ∼90% volatile fatty acid methyl ester (VFAME) yield. To maintain a high yield of VFAMEs, this study suggests that dilution of the sample to an optimum concentration (∼500 ppm for each VFA) is required. Derivatization of VFAs into VFAMEs via the thermally-induced rapid esterification is more reliable to quantify and specify VFAs in the aqueous phase than conventional colorimetric method. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd


This work was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)) (No. NRF-2016R1D1A1B03933027). 

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