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(2015) Analyst_Analysis of the lipid profiles in a section of bovine brain via non-catalytic rapid methylation

(2015) Analyst_Analysis of the lipid profiles in a section of bovine brain via non-catalytic rapid methylation


Jung J.-M., Kim K.-H., Kwon E.E., Kim H.-W.


(Royal Society of Chemistry) Analyst ISSN: 32654 Vol.140 Issue.18 Article No. DOI: 10.1039/c5an00961h


The main focus of this study is to mechanistically introduce a new qualitative and quantitative technique for mapping the lipid profile of a sectional brain via non-catalytic transesterification reaction (i.e., pseudo catalytic reaction in the presence of porous materials). One of the biggest technical advances achieved in this study is the qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid from bovine brain in trace quantities in the magnitude of μg via the non-catalytic pathway. Moreover, newly introduced derivatization in this work showed high tolerance against impurities (i.e., water and extractives). © 2015 The Royal Society of Chemistry.



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