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(2008) Extension of the statistical entropy and substance concentrating efficiency function to the analysis of carbon species in waste treatment systems

(2008) Extension of the statistical entropy and substance concentrating efficiency function to the analysis of carbon species in waste treatment systems


Kaufman S., Kwon E., Krishnan N., Castaldi M., Themelis N.


() Air and Waste Management Association - 27th Annual International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies 2008 Vol.2 


The statistical entropy (SE) function has been applied to waste treatment systems to account for dilution or concentration effects on metals. In this paper, the method is extended to account for carbon. Thermal treatment experiments conducted in the laboratory are used to catalogue carbon-containing emissions from IR, SBR, and tires. These data are fed into statistical entropy models to determine the number of carbonaceous output species required to produce reliable SE results. These calculations show that those species accounting for 90 percent of gaseous carbon-containing outputs are sufficient.

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