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(2006) Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA) of combustion and gasification of major constituents of waste tire: Comparison between Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) and Poly-Isoprene (IR

(2006) Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA) of combustion and gasification of major constituents of waste tire: Comparison between Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) and Poly-Isoprene (IR)


Kwon E., Castaldi M.J.


() A and WM, Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, IT3 ISSN: Vol.1 Issue. Article No. DOI:


An investigation has been initiated to determine the effects of various atmospheres (7% O2/N2, Air, 30%O2/N 2, 3%H2/N2) on the combustion and gasification rubber wastes. The goal is to find out an atmosphere that will more efficiency either gasify the wastes tires to produce synthesis gas or combust them to generate steam power. Moreover, this work will show the comparison between styrene-butadiene copolymer and poly-isoprene to investigate which constituents attribute to the tire decomposition in various atmospheres at high temperature. This work will report on the findings from a series of TGA experiments at various heating rates on Sryrene-Butadiene Copolymer (SBR) and Poly-Isoprene (IR), which are the main starting components for tire manufacturing. The results indicate that a hydrogen spiked atmosphere did not have any effect on the gasification rates of SBR at any heating rate; in addition, this atmosphere resulted in a carbon residual that remained in the sample carrier. The results indicate that oxygen enhanced atmosphere only have a significant effect on increasing combustion efficiency at low heating rates, such as 10°C/min. An unexpected result of the N2-O2 tests was the development of a plateau in mass-loss versus temperature curves, at 700°C. Poly-isoprene thermo-grams in 7% O2/N2 atmosphere, plateau was detected only at low heating rate, such as 10°C/min. Furthermore, the amount of tar created is significantly different; poly-isoprene generates much more tar and the tar formation in hydrogen spiked atmosphere decrease apparently.

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